السياسة اللغوية في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها بإندونيسيا
Language policy, Arabic language, Non-native speakers, Education centersAbstract
This research deals with the linguistic policy in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in Indonesia. Arabic language education is witnessing an increasing demand by Indonesian children, and although there are no official statistics in this regard, the practical reality gives a clear indication of the remarkable interest in Arabic and its literature through the increasing number of institutes teaching it in cities and provinces in Indonesia. The aim of the research is to identify the linguistic policy in teaching Arabic in educational centers in the archipelago of the Indonesian islands, indicating the factors that affect its shortcomings in practice or theory, contemporary trends and methodological issues, as well as the methods and means used in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. The methodology for this research is the qualitative descriptive method with data collection by interview and observation to reach the desired result. The advantages of this research are that researchers were able to collect information about the language policy in teaching the Arabic language at various stages in the centers of Islamic institutes and schools in Indonesia, but the shortcomings of this research appeared in its accuracy about the criteria for the shortcomings of that language policy in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, with an open opportunity for researchers after us to complete it in the next research, insha'Allah almighty.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aprijon Efendi, Yasmaruddin Yasmaruddin, Jefrin E. Hulawa , Rusdi Rusdi, Hakmi Wahyudi

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