Tarbiyah Suska Conference Series 2025-01-16T13:37:05+07:00 Zetri Rahmat Open Journal Systems <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Tarbiyah Suska Conference Series (TSCS) 2024 merupakan konferensi tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau</span></span></p> Efektivitas Aplikasi Mobile TCExam Terhadap Kepuasan dan Performa Akademik Siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru 2024-11-29T13:58:15+07:00 Paijan Rambe Yossi Ardilla Henri Yanto Daulay Indah Wati <p>This study aims to determine how much the effectiveness of the TCExam Mobile Application on student satisfaction and academic performance at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This research includes descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population of this study were students in grades X, XI, XII Financial Accounting and Institutions (AKL) and Office Management and Business Services (MPLB) with sampling techniques using saturated samples. The data collection technique uses observation, questionnaire and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique is using simple regression analysis.The results showed that there was an Effectiveness of the TCExam Mobile Application on Satisfaction and Academic Performance of Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This is based on the results of a simple correlation with a significant value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 with a data interpretation of 0.712 which indicates that the two variables have a positive relationship with a high degree of correlation. Meanwhile, the average score of students in class X, XI, XII Financial Accounting and Le.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Paijan Rambe, Yossi Ardilla Yossi, Henri Yanto Daulay henri, Indah Wati indah Problematika Praktik Merdeka Belajar pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu 2023-02-10T14:10:04+07:00 Rofia Masrifah Yusriyah <p><em>This research aims to describe a number of problems in the practice of Independent Learning in Integrated Islamic Schools (SIT). The research usesd descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The points of the problem are; School Facilities, Learning Systems, Learning Materials, Teacher Competence. The data were obtained by using the method of observation and interviews with several teachers. The results of the research show that some of the problems that can be identified include; 1) No Experience with Learning Independence. Teachers' personal experience regarding learning independence is still minimal even though many government programs actually aim to promote a paradigm shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centred learning. 2) Reference Limitations. Textbooks that exist today are considered to be of quite low quality. Both teacher and student books published by book centers or private publishers have not provided sufficient references that can assist teachers in obtaining references regarding how to facilitate student-centered learning effectively. 3) Owned Access to Learning. The difference in digital access and uneven internet access is also an obstacle faced by teachers in implementing independent learning. 4) Time Management. In an effort to transform the learning process, the teacher may need more time to study again so that he can be adaptive to the demands of the expected changes. Some schools determine a fairly dense agenda to involve teachers to actively participate in various activities. 5) Adequate Competence (Skill). The lack of experience in implementing learning independence also determines the quality or competence of the teacher. The results of this study also show that the problems of implementing the independent learning curriculum in each school vary according to the climate and conditions at school</em></p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rofia Masrifah, Yusriyah Contrastive Analysis between Arabic Proverbs and Indonesian Proverbs 2025-01-16T13:37:05+07:00 Aprijon Efendi Muspika Hendri Amrizal Rafiqi Almunawwar <p>This article discusses in detail the contrastive analysis between Arabic proverbs and Indonesian proverbs. The aim is to look for two important aspects that Arabic language scholars need to know, namely, first: the similarities between two Arabic and Indonesian proverbs, second: the differences between the two. In this article, researchers try to analyze the similarities and differences between Arabic proverbs and Indonesian proverbs. Even though the two proverbs have different language editors, both proverbs have the same aims and objectives. This article is a summary of a qualitative study. Data was collected through interviews and documentation in the form of a library study which was then analyzed using qualitative analysis. The research results show that there are many differences in the use of terms and vocabulary in Arabic and Indonesian proverbs. Proverbs play an important role in providing advice to people so they can live a good life. The words of the proverbs are arranged in beautiful literary language, short and full of meaning</p> 2024-10-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aprijon Efendi, Muspika, Amrizal, Rafiqi Relevansi Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Ibnu Khaldun dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Pendidikan Islam Modern 2024-10-14T07:12:21+07:00 Indriani Kurniawati Wina Silvya Herlini Puspika Sari <p><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">This research aims to explore the relevance of character education concept according to the thought of </span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Ibn</span></span> <span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Khaldun</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20"> in addressing the challenges of modern Islamic education. With the rapid growth and development in contemporary society, new challenges emerge in the realm of Islamic education that require a new paradigm in the development of students' character. The research method used is library research, involving the analysis of classical and contemporary literature discussing </span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Ibn</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Khaldun's</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20"> thoughts on character education and its relevance to the context of modern Islamic education. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis, involving the identification, collection, and synthesis of relevant information from existing sources. The results of the research indicate that the concept of character education according to </span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Ibn</span></span> <span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Khaldun</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20"> has significant relevance to the needs of modern Islamic education, especially in shaping resilient and strong personalities to face the challenges of the times. In conclusion, this </span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">research</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20"> highlights the importance of understanding and implementing the values contained in </span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Ibn</span></span> <span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">Khaldun's</span></span><span class="s18"><span class="bumpedFont20">thought to strengthen character education in the context of modern Islamic education.</span></span></p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indriani Kurniawati, Wina Silvya, Herlini Puspika Sari Approaches to Moral and Ethical Education in the MBKM Curriculum: A Systematic Review 2024-10-16T00:47:22+07:00 Pangadilan Rambe Yasmaruddin Bardansyah <p class="Abstract">The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) curriculum is designed to encourage interdisciplinary learning, but its effectiveness in promoting moral and ethical education is still uncertain. This review aims to explore how an interdisciplinary approach can be used to integrate moral and ethical education in MBKM. By analyzing a diverse range of literature, including different methodologies and findings, this review highlights various interdisciplinary strategies used, such as integrative courses, collaborative projects, and experiential learning efforts. These approaches have the potential to cultivate students' moral reasoning, empathy, and ethical decision-making abilities, which can contribute to the development of society's ethical framework and values. Although these findings suggest that interdisciplinary education can be effective in MBKM, more research is needed to measure its effectiveness, address challenges in curriculum integration, and refine assessment methodologies. This will pave the way for a more comprehensive and robust system that has a positive impact on moral and ethical education. Keywords: MBKM curriculum, moral education, ethics education, interdisciplinary approach, systematic review.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pangadilan Rambe, Yasmaruddin Bardansyah The Influence of Active Participation in Literacy Club Extracurricular toward Student Reading Interest at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Indragiri Hilir 2024-10-14T20:57:37+07:00 Maysar Padilah Herlini Puspika Sari Indah Wati <p>This research aimed at testing the influence of literacy club extracurricular toward student reading interest at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Indragiri Hilir.&nbsp; It was correlation research with quantitative approach.&nbsp; 40 persons were the population of this research, and nonprobability sampling (total sampling) technique was used in this research.&nbsp; Questionnaire and documentation were used to collect data.&nbsp; Product moment correlation test was the technique of analyzing data.&nbsp; The research findings showed that the score of robserved 0.446 was higher than rtable 0.312 at 5% significant level and 0.403 at 1% significant level.&nbsp; The score of sig. (2-tailed) was higher than alpha, 0.004&lt;0.05, so Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.&nbsp; It meant that there was a positive influence of literacy club extracurricular toward student reading interest at State Islamic Senior High School 1 Indragiri Hilir.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maysar Padilah, Herlini Puspika Sari, Indah Wati Pshycological Well Being Korban Bullying yang Mendapatkan Layanan Konseling Individual 2024-10-14T21:23:34+07:00 Ego Andrian Hasgimianti Suhertina Fitra Herlinda Raden Deceu <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This research aimed at finding out 1) the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services, and 2) the factors influencing the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services.&nbsp; It was qualitative descriptive research with a case study method.&nbsp; The main informants for this research were 5 students, and the additional informants for this research were 2 Guidance and Counseling teachers.&nbsp; The technique of collecting data was interview guideline.&nbsp; The techniques of analyzing data were data reduction, data display, and data verification.&nbsp; The final research findings showed that (1) students who were bullying victims after getting individual counseling services were able to accept themselves, to recognize their abilities, to establish positive relationships with other people, to open themselves up, to have awareness for decision making, to master environmental adjustments, to determine goals for the future, and to develop themselves for personal growth; and (2) the factors influencing the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services are peer support, guidance counselors and parents.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Psychological Well Being; Bullying; Individual Counseling</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ego Andrian, Hasgimianti, Suhertina, Fitra Herlinda, Raden Deceu The Influence of Learning Environment toward Student Learning Achievement on Islamic Education Subject at Senior High School of PGRI Pekanbaru 2024-10-16T14:29:04+07:00 febriani ichsanul sahri Herlini Puspika Sari <p><em>This research aimed at testing an influence of learning environment toward student learning achievement on Islamic Education Subject at Senior High School of PGRI Pekanbaru.&nbsp; It was quantitative research.&nbsp; All Muslim students of Senior High School of PGRI Pekanbaru were the population of this research and they were 155 students.&nbsp; The samples of this research were 30% of the population or 46 students. &nbsp;The techniques of collecting the data were questionnaire and documentation.&nbsp; The technique of analyzing the data was Product Moment Correlation.&nbsp; Based on the data analysis, it obtained that robserved 0.668 was higher than rtable at 5% significant level (0.297) or at 1% significant level (0.384), so Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected.&nbsp; It means that there was a significant influence of learning environment toward student learning achievement on Islamic Education Subject at Senior High School of PGRI Pekanbaru.&nbsp; The contribution of learning achievement toward student learning achievement was 44.7% and the rest 55.3% was influenced or described by other variables.</em></p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 febriani ichsanul sahri, Herlini Puspika Sari Problematika Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka: Studi Kasus SMK Negeri 8 Pekanbaru 2024-10-18T11:48:19+07:00 Indah Wati Annisa Dwi Khai Yasmin Putri Rahmayani Rahma Dinda Annisa Wira Ardiansyah <p>This research aims to provide analysis and information on the phenomena that occur in the implementation of the independent curriculum at SMK Negeri 8 Pekanbaru. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method by conducting interviews and documentation to obtain the phenomena that occur. The data analysis technique is carried out by analyzing the interview data and disclosed according to the facts without hypothesizing first. The results of this study indicate that there are problems that become obstacles in the implementation of the independent curriculum for teachers at school. In an independent curriculum, teachers are more required to be creative in creating and designing the learning process.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Wati, Annisa Dwi Khai Yasmin, Putri Rahmayani, Rahma Dinda Annisa, Wira Ardiansyah Partnership Pattern of Pesantren Entrepreneurs at Al Asyriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Strengtening Halal Industry in Indonesia 2024-10-16T21:15:26+07:00 Dicki Hartanto Kusnadi Mahdar Ernita Sri Yuliani <p><em>This study </em><em>was designed </em><em>to determine the pattern of entrepreneurial partnerships at the Al-Asyriyyah Nurul Iman Entrepreneurship Boarding School, West Java, Indonesia. This study </em><em>was</em><em> an exploratory study with a descriptive and qualitative approach. which is one type of social research that aims to explain a concept used in research. The instruments used </em><em>we</em><em>re interviews and documentation. The results of this study conclude</em><em>d</em><em> that the implementation of partnership patterns at the Al-Asyriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic boarding school has 4 patterns, namely: partnering with Bank Indonesia West Java for a red ginger greenhouse grant with a socio-religious pattern, the results of this red ginger are then processed into Nurul Iman red ginger drink products, then partnering with Distribution and Agents, KOA pattern at the Japanese company PT. ASJ Indonesia in making Nurul Iman Carbone Active (NICA), then the OINTIKA Hexagonal bottled drinking water depot and planting black single shallot seeds known as black diamond. Furthermore, all the land owned by the Al Asyriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic boarding school was waqf land, therefore it is categorized as an SR partnership pattern, but because its implementation </em><em>was</em><em> integrated with the management of agricultural products, it was also categorized as an agribusiness cooperation partnership, except for fish farming because it is used for entrepreneurial practices, research and consumption of the Islamic boarding school only (not for sale) therefore it </em><em>wa</em><em>s categorized as a Social Religious partnership.</em></p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dicki Hartanto, Kusnadi, Mahdar Ernita, Sri Yuliani Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Economics Subjects in Class X of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru 2024-10-18T12:21:16+07:00 Annisa Pratiwi Arimbi Viona Amalina Wiwin Sandari Zhatil Hanani Octavia Swid Indah Wati <p>In this study, the author analyzes the implementation of the &amp;quot;merdeka curriculum&amp;quot; in the<br>Economics subject for 10th grade students at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The primary focus of this research<br>is to depict how the merdeka curriculum is applied in the learning process at the school. A qualitative<br>method was employed, gathering data through observations and documentation of Economics classes.<br>The findings indicate that the implementation of the merdeka curriculum at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru has<br>been effective, evident in various aspects such as the execution of extracurricular and intracurricular<br>activities, and projects enhancing Pancasila learning profiles. This curriculum grants teachers flexibility<br>in designing learning processes, managing study times, and aids students in developing independent<br>personalities. The application of the merdeka curriculum in Economics at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru also<br>shows significant benefits for students, engaging them in more dynamic and open learning, which<br>hones their skills and understanding in Economics. Thus, the study concludes that the merdeka<br>curriculum has positively contributed to enhancing the quality of learning at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru,<br>particularly in Economics for 10th</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Pratiwi, Arimbi, Viona Amalina, Wiwin Sandari, Zhatil Hanani , Octavia Swid, Indah Wati Body Shaming Discourse on Rara's Character 2024-10-17T23:09:24+07:00 Afdhal Kusumanegara Novia Zulhaida Putri Della Zachra Monica Atina Hazana <p>This research investigates the body shaming discourse on the character Rara in the film Imperfect. This research aims to reveal the psychological and social influences of body shaming on the main character. The data is in the form of linguistic signs and semiotic signs in the film Imperfect. This research analysis uses Barthes' semiotic theory (denotation &amp; connotation-myth) and is supported by the interpretation of hegemony theory. Analysis is applied to the use of language and signs in the film, as well as the interpretation of the cultural context that influences the representation of the character Rara. The research results indicate that (1) body shaming plays a central role in Rara's character development, influencing self-image, social interactions, and personal aspirations; (2) mass media films become an important platform for spreading and strengthening myths about the ideal body and then influencing individual self-perceptions. and become hegemonic. The implications of this research provide insight into how media representations can influence the social construction of individuals who are acceptable in society.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afdhal Kusumanegara, Novia Zulhaida Putri, Della Zachra Monica, Atina Hazana A Decade of Bibliometrics Exploration on Wind Tunnel as Learning Media in Fluid Mechanics 2024-10-14T16:09:13+07:00 Diniya Khairiati Rawzis Asep Irvan Irvani Tika Elviana Yoichiro Abe Husnul Chatimah <p>This study addresses the lack of research on the use of wind tunnels as learning media in fluid mechanics, an important area of research. Conducted using the Scopus database from 2015 to 2024, the review aims to identify trends in publication and citation, rank influential countries, journals, authors, and institutions, and visualize keyword usage and conceptual structures through bibliometric analysis using an R Package. To find relevant literature using the Scopus database, we searched for documents using mesh terms based on the query of two terms, “Wind Tunnel” and “Science Education” and used the Boolean operator “OR” to include synonyms of the terms. The articles retrieved were authored by 6528 researchers, published in 267 journals, representing 68 countries, and growing at 3.98% annually. Findings indicate a significant increase in scientific output, particularly in 2021. The top journal, Physics of Fluids, leads in publications, while China emerges as the most productive country. Key concepts include wind tunnels, Reynolds number, and aerodynamics, reflecting the relevance of both experimental and computational approaches. The results provide insights into the current state of wind tunnel research in science education and highlight opportunities for future interdisciplinary exploration, emphasizing the need for educational curricula to incorporate contemporary topics in fluid mechanics.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diniya, Khairiati Rawzis, Asep Irvan Irvani, Tika Elviana, Yoichiro Abe; Husnul Chatimah Pengaruh Media Pasir Ajaib untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Raudhatul Athfal Azalia Kecamatan Tuah Madani Pekanbaru 2024-10-17T11:11:55+07:00 Dewi Sri Suryanti Tri Utami <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media pasir ajaib dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Islam Azalia Kecamatan Tuah Madani Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen kuantitatif dengan desain one group pretest posttest design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Islam Azalia Kecamatan Tuah Madani Pekanbaru. Objek penelitian ini adalah pengaruh penggunaan media pasir ajaib dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Islam Azalia Kecamatan Tuah Madani Pekanbaru. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 95 anak dan sampelnya sebanyak 14 anak yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t berpasangan. Berdasarkan data perbandingan pretest dan posttest dengan uji-t, </span></span><sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">diperoleh thitung</span></span></sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> sebesar -16,185 dan nilai Sig. 2-tailed sebesar 0,000. Hal ini dikarenakan Sig. Nilai 2-tailed 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05, maka Ha </span></span><sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">diterima</span></span></sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> dan H0 </span></span><sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">ditolak</span></span></sub><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"> . Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan data dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh penggunaan media magic sand dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Islam Azalia Kecamatan Tuah Madani Pekanbaru.</span></span></em></p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Sri Suryanti, Tri Utami Pengaruh Permainan Outbond Bola Estafet Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Cerdas Ceria Desa Lukun Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Timur Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti 2024-10-17T11:06:39+07:00 Ramna Rahmadhani Dewi Sri Suryanti <p>This research aimed at finding out the effect of Outbond game toward rough motorik ability of 4-5 years old children. It was quantitative experiment research with one group pretest posttest design. The formula of t-test showed that H<sub>0</sub> was rejected and H<sub>a</sub> was accepted if t<sub>table</sub> was higher than t<sub>observed</sub>. SPSS 23 program was used to help the test. The subjects of this research were teachers and 4-5 years old children at Kindergarten of Cerdas Ceria, Lukun Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. The object was the effect of Outbond game toward rough motorik ability of 4-5 years old children at Kindergarten of Cerdas Ceria, Lukun Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. Normalized-gain formula was used to find out the effect of Outbond game toward rough motorik ability of 4-5 years old children at Kindergarten of Cerdas Ceria, Lukun Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency, and the result obtained was 51.61% with moderate category. Observation, test, and documentation were the techniques of collecting data. Based on data analysis of children observation sheet, t<sub>observed</sub> was -20.940, and t<sub>table</sub> was 1.78229, so t<sub>observed</sub> was higher than t<sub>table</sub> (1.78229&gt;-20.940). Based on the data, H<sub>0</sub> was rejected and H<sub>a</sub> was accepted. So, it could be concluded that there was an effect of Outbond game toward rough motorik ability of 4-5 years old children at Kindergarten of Cerdas Ceria, Lukun Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Kepulauan Meranti Regency.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Sri Suryanti, Ramna Rahmadhani Model Pembelajaran Akuntansi Terintegrasi dengan Islam di SMAIT AL-Fityah Pekanbaru 2024-10-14T15:34:58+07:00 m iqbal lubis Al-Iqrom Septari Ja'far Susanto <p>The aim of this research is to find out how the implementation model is carried out by SMAIT Al-Fityah Pekanbaru in accounting subjects and the inhibiting and supporting factors in implementing this model. The research method used is to use a descriptive qualitative research method, presenting complete data regarding the integrated accounting learning model with Islam and looking at the inhibiting and supporting factors for this model. The results of the research are that the integrated accounting learning model with Islam at SMAIT AL-Fityah Pekanbaru is a Discovery Learning Model with an integrated framework contained in the integrated Islamic school network (JSIT) curriculum. The inhibiting factor for this implementation is the lack of in-depth analysis due to the absence of collaboration between teachers accounting and Islamic religious teachers in the learning process and the supporting factors are that steps have been implemented in accordance with the existing learning model in the integrated Islamic school network curriculum.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 m iqbal lubis, Al-Iqrom Septari, Ja'far Susanto Tantangan dan Peran Guru dalam Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar 2024-10-18T11:55:08+07:00 Renaldi Muhammad Habibullah Fitria Delima Indah Wati <p>Over time, the challenges and roles faced by teachers will certainly change along with changes in the applicable curriculum. One of the changes faced is in the field of technology which can play a role but can also affect these changes. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to find out about the challenges and roles faced by teachers in the independent curriculum. The research method used in this research is literature review by searching for existing writings or literature in the form of books, journals, articles, and other relevant sources from the internet. The results in this study that there are challenges faced by teachers in teaching a skill that is demanded in the current curriculum, and there is also a role faced by teachers, namely that they must be able to provide appropriate teaching so as to produce effective learning and be able to face challenges in implementing the independent curriculum</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Renaldi, Muhammad Habibullah, Fitria Delima, Indah Wati Implementasi P5 Disma Ditinjau dari Konsep Kurikulum Merdeka 2024-10-18T12:17:30+07:00 Afriwanda Devi Fitriani Muammar Syarqawi Nabila Maharani Indah Wati <p>Education plays a strategic role in shaping the character and personality of the young generation as the primary foundation of the nation's development, Education played a strategical role in forming the characters and personalities of the youth as the main foundation for the nation’s development.The concept of the Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes the importance of more flexible, contextual, and student-centred learning.&nbsp; The purpose of this research is to find out the application of project, reinforcement, profile, student, pancasaila (P5) in high school reviewed from the concept of independent curriculum. This research method uses a literature or library review. With the total number of major literature, that's eight articles. The data used is from Google Scholar, Research Gate, and Garuda Kemdikbud. The researchers used various keywords related to research issues in the literature collection process, such as “P5 Implementation”, “Free Curriculum Concept”, and “Reviewed at SMA”. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the P5 implementation reviewed of the independent curriculum concept this research showed that some criteria related to readiness influenced the success of P5 application. These include school preparedness that includes facilities and facilities, training and supervision of teachers and facilitators, evaluation and follow-up of management, educators' readiness that includes contextual, holistic, exploratory, and student-focused principles, student readiness involving an active principle, participation in a series of activities, and supervisions, which include internal and external supervision by teaching and the head of the school</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afriwanda, Devi Fitriani, Muammar Syarqawi, Nabila Maharani, Indah Wati Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Discovery Learning untuk Memfasilitasi Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa 2024-10-17T09:41:12+07:00 Neny Rahmawati Miftahir Rizqa <p>It was Research and Development with ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model aiming at developing and producing Discovery Learning based student worksheet on Statistic material in facilitating student mathematical problem-solving ability at the eighth grade of Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School with valid minimum validity level, practical minimum practicality level, and effective minimum effectiveness level.&nbsp; This research was administered at State Junior High School 30 Pekanbaru.&nbsp; The object was Discovery Learning based student worksheet on Statistic material in facilitating student mathematical problem-solving ability at the eighth grade of Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School.&nbsp; Validation sheet, questionnaire, and test were the techniques of collecting data.&nbsp; The data obtained were analysed with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques.&nbsp; Based on data analysis, (1) Discovery Learning based student worksheet was stated containing high validity with validity mean 0.86 in validity test, (2) Discovery Learning based student worksheet was stated very practical with the ideal percentage 96.13%, and (3) The effectiveness analysis of Discovery Learning based student worksheet was obtained from the assessment data of learning achievement.&nbsp; Mann Whitney U test was used to analyse, the result of Z<sub>observed</sub> was 10.36, and Z<sub>table</sub> was 1.96.&nbsp; Z<sub>observed</sub> was higher than Z<sub>table</sub>, and it meant that H<sub>0</sub> was rejected and H<sub>a</sub> was accepted.&nbsp; So, there was a difference between control and experiment groups.&nbsp; Discovery Learning based student worksheet was on Statistic material in facilitating student mathematical problem-solving ability met valid, practical, and effective criteria.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Neny Rahmawati, Miftahir Rizqa The Educational Thought of Syaikhah Rahmah Elyunusiyyah: Paving the Way for a Humanistic and Islamic Education 2024-10-16T11:20:01+07:00 Davina Nava Eliza Herlini Puspika Sari <p>This article delves into the educational thoughts of Syaikhah Rahmah El Yunusiyyah, inspiring a paradigm shift in education towards humanistic and Islamic aspects. Employing a qualitative approach and literature analysis, this research explores the educational concepts advocated by Syaikhah Rahmah. She emphasizes the urgent need to pave the way for education that not only prioritizes academic aspects but also considers the dimensions of humanity and Islamic values. Syaikhah Rahmah's holistic approach encompasses spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects in learning, creating a humanistic environment that nurtures values of justice and empathy. Consequently, this article provides a profound overview of the relevance of Syaikhah Rahmah's thoughts in establishing an educational system that produces quality individuals with an Islamic spirit and a concern for humanity. This research introduces new insights for the development of Islamic education literature, supporting an educational agenda based on humanism and Islamic values in the contemporary era.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Davina Nava Eliza, Herlini Puspika Sari, Indah Wati PENANAMAN KESADARAN GENDER BAGI REMAJA UNTUK MENCEGAH PERILAKU LGBTQ+ DAN GENDER DYSPHORIA 2024-10-17T09:35:00+07:00 Ananda Syaviyra Raja Rahima Munawarah Raja Ahmad <p>This study aims to find out: 1) The role of BK teachers in instilling gender awareness in students, 2) Supporting factors for the role of BK teachers in instilling gender awareness in students. This type of research is qualitative. The main informants are 4 BK teachers and additional informants are 8 students. The data of this research was obtained through interviews and documentation. The final results of this study show that (1) The role of BK teachers in instilling gender awareness in students includes the role of motivator, learning developer, self-potential developer, problem prevention, building students' noble character, informant, and facilitator. (2) Supporting factors in instilling gender awareness in students are cooperation and a sense of responsibility. This collaboration is established between BK teachers and subject teachers, homeroom teachers, parents, and parties involved in the form of basic services for providing information about gender. There is a sense of responsibility as a teacher and parent of students at school as a mandate from the school and Allah SWT</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ananda Syaviyra, Raja Rahima Munawarah Raja Ahmad INDONESIA UPAYA PENINGKATAN HAFALAN (JUZ AMMA) USIA 4-5 TAHUN MELALUI METODE MUROJA’AH 2024-10-17T06:02:21+07:00 Nopa WILYANITA Nurhayati Nurhayati Hazirah Hazirah Nurkamelia Mukhtar AH <p>This study aimed to improve the ability to memorize the Qur'an (Juz Amma) in children aged 4-5 years through the muroja'ah method in group A at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Selatpanjang Branch. This research was motivated by the ability to memorize the Qur'an (Juz Amma) in Group A kindergarten children who were still low in deposit and Qur'an memorization activities only using suras in Juz 30 or Juz Amma and deposit books. This research is a Classroom Action Research conducted by researchers as teachers who examine directly the stages of Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. The study was conducted in May 2023 and was carried out 5 face-to-face meetings. The subjects of the study were group students of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten totaling 25 people consisting of 10 boys and 15 girls. The object of this research is the ability to memorize the Qur'an (juz amma) through the moroja'ah method. The method of data collection used in this research is observation and documentation, while the data analysis techniques used are descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative. The results of research data analysis showed that the average percentage of the ability to memorize the Quran (juz amma) in pre-action was 42, 13% increased by 11.26% in cycle I to 53.75% and increased again by 29.38% in cycle II to 83.13%. The average percentage increase from pre-action to cycle II reached 33.63%. This increase occurs because the learning steps use the application of the muroja'ah method, which means that there is an increase in the ability of children to memorize the Qur'an through the muroja'ah method. This result can be seen from cycle II with the BSB (Very Good Development) criteria category.</p> 2024-10-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nopa WILYANITA, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Hazirah Hazirah, Nurkamelia Mukhtar AH The use of SMARTQU application in Developing Quranic Interpretations: Analysis on the Effectiveness and Usage 2024-10-20T10:20:55+07:00 Marsya Arafat Nur Anisah Nasution Pinta Rezeki Harahap Siti Aisyah Akmal Khairi <p><strong>Abstrack.</strong> The background of this study is the importance of a deep understanding of the Qur'an for Muslims in which they require not only to recite and memorize the Holy Book but also to understand it as well as to implement the teachings of the book in daily life. In this digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology offers great potential to access and understand religious books, including the Qur'an. One of the main causes of the lack of understanding of the Qur'an is the language barrier and the complexity of classical interpretations that often make it difficult for many Muslims to understand the texts correctly. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and usefulness of the SMARTQU application in developing the interpretation of the texts of the Qur'an. This application offers various features supporting more inclusive and quality religious education, including Qur`anic interpretations, prayer schedules, and Islamic teaching videos. The research findings reveales that the use of SMARTQU application can improve the accessibility and understanding of Muslims on the teachings of the Qur'an. In addition, collaboration among religious experts, technology, and educators are required to ensure that the interpretation by AI remains accordance with Islamic principles. Despite the major challenges in maintaining the accuracy and conformity of AI interpretations with Islamic values, this study highlights the importance of further solutions to analyze the effectiveness and usefulness of this technology in religious education context. Thus, SMARTQU application is expected to be an effective and innovative solution to improve the understanding and implementing the teachings of the Qur'an.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Artificial Intelligence, SMARTQU, Qur`anic Interpretation, digital era.</p> 2024-10-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marsya Arafat, Nur Anisah Nasution , Pinta Rezeki Harahap, Siti Aisyah, Akmal Khairi Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) in the Field of Religion in Its Residential Environment 2024-10-19T20:22:21+07:00 Yanti Yanti <p>Abstract. This research aims to determine the role of students in the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) in the field of religion within their residential environment, the relationship between the role and educational background of the students, and the level of student role activity. The type of research is quantitative. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive with percentages. Next, based on the data analysis results, the author discusses the data using critical analysis. The research subjects are sixth-semester students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI), totaling 189 individuals. The researcher designed the research instrument in the form of a questionnaire consisting of questions with several alternative answers that the students, as respondents, must choose from. Next, the author distributed the questionnaire to all students using Google Forms. The number of students who filled out the questionnaire was 73. After reviewing the responses, the data that could be processed was from 53 questionnaires. This was due to students not fully completing the entire questionnaire. The research results are as follows: 1. The role of students in religious activities within their residential environment: a. As congregants in religious holiday commemoration activities, 29 students or 54.72%. b. As congregants in Majelis Taklim , 18 students or 33.96%. c. As committee members for Islamic holiday commemoration activities or MTQ committee members, 13 students or 24.53%. d. As Master of Ceremony in religious activities, 8 students or 15.10%. e. As Takmir/Gharim of Mosque/Mushalla, 5 students or 9.43%. f. As TPA/TPQ/MDA/PDTA teachers, 5 students or 9.43%. g. As attendees at MTQ activities, 4 students or 7.55%. h. As Muballigh/Muballighah, 2 students or 3.77%. i. As Qari/Qari’ah, 1 student or 2.22%. 2. The relationship between roles and students' educational backgrounds. The relationship shows a quite strong correlation. This is evident from the students' latest educational data and the roles they perform. 3. The level of activity of each student role falls into the categories of very active, active, and less active. 1) Student activities tend to fall into the very active category in 3 roles, namely: attending MTQ activities as visitors, as Takmir/Gharim of mosques/mushallas, and as teachers of TPA/TPQ/MDA/PDTA. 2) Student activities tend to fall into the active category in 2 roles, namely attending religious holiday commemorations as congregants, and as committees for Islamic holiday commemorations or MTQ committees. 3) Student activities tend to fall into the less active category in 1 role, namely attending wirid or study sessions.</p> 2024-10-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 yanti_23 yanti Penerapan Authentic Assesment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) pada Model Problem Based Learning dalam Pembelajaran IPA 2024-10-13T21:12:29+07:00 Amiruddin Amir Chaerul Rochman <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of vibration and wave learning and student learning outcomes using the Problem-Based Learning model through the Authentic Assessment Based On Teaching And Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) with the Student Activity Sheet (SAS) assessment system. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research sample consisted of all students of class VIII-A MTsN 11 Tasikmalaya. The research instrument used was SAS, which is a list of student answers to questions, instructions, and assignments during the learning process using the PBL model. Data from SAS were analyzed quantitatively and interpreted using qualitative techniques. This study concludes that the application of the PBL learning model is effective in improving student learning outcomes in vibration and wave material. In addition, the AABTLT assessment with SAS succeeded in effectively recording and assessing student learning outcomes comprehensively and assessing the effectiveness of the PBL learning process authentically.</p> 2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amiruddin Amir, Chaerul Rochman Environmental Ethics in Multicultural Education Based on the Qur'an 2024-10-15T13:16:36+07:00 Mifah Ulya Miftah Sukiyat Sukiyat Taufik Helmi Nurliana Nurliana Muharrani Muharrani <p>This article aims to analyse the role of environmental ethics in multicultural education based on Quranic values. This research uses a library research method with a maudhu'i (thematic) tafsir approach with a qualitative approach by combining the analysis of Quranic texts and multicultural education literature. This type of research is through a decductive and inductive approach. Researchers look at various contemporary problems and conditions, then look for perspectives from the Qur'an, then refined through philological structural and sociological analyses. Environmental ethics is our responsibility towards the natural environment and the living things in it. In the context of multicultural education, an understanding of environmental ethics is becoming increasingly important.&nbsp; Multicultural education plays an important role in shaping the understanding of environmental ethics. Understanding environmental ethics within a multicultural framework helps us appreciate differences and promote diversity. In the view of the Qur'an, environmental ethics involves our responsibility as humans to take care of the universe and the creatures in it. to explore the concept of environmental ethics in the context of multicultural education based on the teachings of the Qur'an (QS. Al A'raf [7]: 56, and Al-Baqarah [2]: 30).&nbsp; It is considered urgent to realise the importance of awareness, cooperation and respect for diversity in developing sustainable environmental ethics. Despite the complex challenges, multicultural education inspired by Quranic values can shape a generation that cares for the environment and is committed to sustainability. Ultimately, there is a need for Quran-based environmental ethics to serve as a foundation for multicultural education that cares about the environment and its related issues.</p> 2024-10-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mifah Ulya Miftah, Sukiyat Sukiyat, Taufik Helmi, Nurliana Nurliana, Muharrani Muharrani Hubungan Perilaku Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) dengan Interaksi Sosial Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 14 Pekanbaru 2024-10-30T12:06:26+07:00 Uswatun Hasanah Suci Habibah Alfiah Tirmizi Raja Rahima Munawarah RA <p>This research was instigated by some students who were afraid of missing the moment or being left behind by trends, known as Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) behaviour. FoMO is known to influence the student social interaction quality level. This research was conducted to find out the description of FoMO behaviour, the description of students’ social interaction, and the correlation between students’ FoMO behaviour and their social interaction. Quantitative method was used in this research, and it was correlational descriptive. 1120 students at State Senior High School 14 Pekanbaru were the population of this research. The samples were 295 students determined with proportional stratified random sampling technique. The instruments used were FoMO and social interaction questionnaires with Likert scale model. The research data were analysed by using descriptive percentage and simple regression analysis. The research findings showed that the description of student FoMO behaviour was on quiet high category with the percentage 32.88%, the description of student social interaction was on quiet high category with the percentage 49.15%, and the correlation between students’ FoMO behaviour and their social interaction showed the correlation score -0.977 and the significance result 0.000 lower than 0.005. In the determination analysis, the result of R square was 0.809 or 80.9%, and R score was 0.900. These showed that there was a significant negative correlation between students’ FoMO behaviour and their social interaction. It meant that the lower students’ social interaction was, the higher their FoMO behaviour would be or vice versa. The research findings could be efforts in increasing student social interaction quality at school, so learning atmosphere could be better.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Uswatun Hasanah, Suci Habibah, Alfiah Tirmizi, Raja Rahima Munawarah RA