About the Journal

3rd Tarbiyah Suska Conference Series (3rd TSCS)

Tarbiyah Suska Conference Series (TSCS) 2024 is annual conference inception to be held by Faculty of Education and Teacher Training-Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau on the August 15th-16th 2024. This second TSCS will feature paper and poster presentations that center around the theme of “Innovation and Knowladge Integration in Education for Sustainable Development”.

Aiming at providing a platform for showcasing and sharing ideas on the theme, the host warmly invites researchers, academics, practitioners, and students of teacher education to submit their papers having relevance to the theme of this 3rd TSCS, which include but not limited to the below sub-themes:

  • Innovation in Education for Sustainable Development
  • Knowledge Integration in Education for Sustainable Development
  • Economic Education and enterpreneur
  • Technology in Teacher Education
  • Critical Pedagogy in Teacher Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Teacher Education Policy
  • Teacher Education Curriculum
  • Pre-service Teacher Education
  • In-service Teacher Education
  • Science and Mathematics Teacher Education
  • Foreign Language Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education for Social Sciences
  • Preparing Teachers of Islamic Education
  • Multicultural Education
  • Other relevant sub-themes

Please click on relevant links in this website for further information on abstract and paper submission or for other information related to the conference.

We look forward to meeting with you at 3rd TSCS 2024!


The Organizing Committee