11-11-2023 Metode Keteladanan dan Pembiasaan Untuk Membina Karakter Peserta Didik The International Conference On Education And Character Building In Society 5.0 Era
Keywords: Educational habituation, Building noble characterAbstract
The world of education needs the most effective concepts and methods to make students want to learn to become human beings with noble character as the next generation of the nation and religion. Teachers are role models for students in the learning process which begins in the classroom. Teachers as educators must show their own example and get used to being role models for their students. Modeling and habituation in the world of education are very important, because students like to imitate and imitate the behavior or actions of people who are more mature than themselves, including their teachers. Apart from the exemplary method, there is a method of habituation in learning activities that must be displayed by the teacher during the learning process. Any knowledge or behavior acquired by students through habituation will be very difficult to change or eliminate, so this method is very useful in educating children. Activities that must be carried out include: The implementation of noble character development is implemented into a routine program which is mandatory for students. The teachers provide exemplary examples, including: time discipline, discipline in enforcing rules, discipline in behavior, discipline in worship. Likewise, habits include the habit of saying hello to teachers when meeting, reading Asmaul-Husna, tadarus Al-Qur'ān, praying ḍhuha in congregation, Wirid Pengajian, praying before and after learning, muhaḍarah and flag ceremonies on Mondays, live clean and extracurricular arts and religion. Teachers show discipline and familiarize themselves with Islamic religious behavior, for example by holding monthly meetings between teachers and the head of the Madrasah to convey the development and progress of students who have taken part in character development. Apart from that, there are supporting factors for coaching, there is good cooperation between the Madrasah Principal, Teachers, homeroom teachers and all educational staff, next is the family factor (parents) who actively participate in giving attention to children to always teach them well and always be role models. the good one.
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