Problematika Praktik Merdeka Belajar pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu
Problematics, Independent Learning, Integrated Islamic SchoolsAbstract
This research aims to describe a number of problems in the practice of Independent Learning in Integrated Islamic Schools (SIT). The research usesd descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The points of the problem are; School Facilities, Learning Systems, Learning Materials, Teacher Competence. The data were obtained by using the method of observation and interviews with several teachers. The results of the research show that some of the problems that can be identified include; 1) No Experience with Learning Independence. Teachers' personal experience regarding learning independence is still minimal even though many government programs actually aim to promote a paradigm shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centred learning. 2) Reference Limitations. Textbooks that exist today are considered to be of quite low quality. Both teacher and student books published by book centers or private publishers have not provided sufficient references that can assist teachers in obtaining references regarding how to facilitate student-centered learning effectively. 3) Owned Access to Learning. The difference in digital access and uneven internet access is also an obstacle faced by teachers in implementing independent learning. 4) Time Management. In an effort to transform the learning process, the teacher may need more time to study again so that he can be adaptive to the demands of the expected changes. Some schools determine a fairly dense agenda to involve teachers to actively participate in various activities. 5) Adequate Competence (Skill). The lack of experience in implementing learning independence also determines the quality or competence of the teacher. The results of this study also show that the problems of implementing the independent learning curriculum in each school vary according to the climate and conditions at school
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