Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) in the Field of Religion in Its Residential Environment
Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) in the Field of Religion in Its Residential Environment
Keywords: Role: Students: Religious Field: in the Residential Environment.Abstract
Abstract. This research aims to determine the role of students in the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) in the field of religion within their residential environment, the relationship between the role and educational background of the students, and the level of student role activity. The type of research is quantitative. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive with percentages. Next, based on the data analysis results, the author discusses the data using critical analysis. The research subjects are sixth-semester students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI), totaling 189 individuals. The researcher designed the research instrument in the form of a questionnaire consisting of questions with several alternative answers that the students, as respondents, must choose from. Next, the author distributed the questionnaire to all students using Google Forms. The number of students who filled out the questionnaire was 73. After reviewing the responses, the data that could be processed was from 53 questionnaires. This was due to students not fully completing the entire questionnaire. The research results are as follows: 1. The role of students in religious activities within their residential environment: a. As congregants in religious holiday commemoration activities, 29 students or 54.72%. b. As congregants in Majelis Taklim , 18 students or 33.96%. c. As committee members for Islamic holiday commemoration activities or MTQ committee members, 13 students or 24.53%. d. As Master of Ceremony in religious activities, 8 students or 15.10%. e. As Takmir/Gharim of Mosque/Mushalla, 5 students or 9.43%. f. As TPA/TPQ/MDA/PDTA teachers, 5 students or 9.43%. g. As attendees at MTQ activities, 4 students or 7.55%. h. As Muballigh/Muballighah, 2 students or 3.77%. i. As Qari/Qari’ah, 1 student or 2.22%. 2. The relationship between roles and students' educational backgrounds. The relationship shows a quite strong correlation. This is evident from the students' latest educational data and the roles they perform. 3. The level of activity of each student role falls into the categories of very active, active, and less active. 1) Student activities tend to fall into the very active category in 3 roles, namely: attending MTQ activities as visitors, as Takmir/Gharim of mosques/mushallas, and as teachers of TPA/TPQ/MDA/PDTA. 2) Student activities tend to fall into the active category in 2 roles, namely attending religious holiday commemorations as congregants, and as committees for Islamic holiday commemorations or MTQ committees. 3) Student activities tend to fall into the less active category in 1 role, namely attending wirid or study sessions.
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