Pshycological Well Being Korban Bullying yang Mendapatkan Layanan Konseling Individual
Psychological Well Being, Bullying, Individual CounsellingAbstract
Abstract. This research aimed at finding out 1) the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services, and 2) the factors influencing the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services. It was qualitative descriptive research with a case study method. The main informants for this research were 5 students, and the additional informants for this research were 2 Guidance and Counseling teachers. The technique of collecting data was interview guideline. The techniques of analyzing data were data reduction, data display, and data verification. The final research findings showed that (1) students who were bullying victims after getting individual counseling services were able to accept themselves, to recognize their abilities, to establish positive relationships with other people, to open themselves up, to have awareness for decision making, to master environmental adjustments, to determine goals for the future, and to develop themselves for personal growth; and (2) the factors influencing the psychological well-being of bullying victims getting individual counseling services are peer support, guidance counselors and parents.
Keywords: Psychological Well Being; Bullying; Individual Counseling
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