The Influence of Entrepreneurship Learning toward Entrepreneurial Spirit of Economics Education Department Students at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan, Jiwa BerwirausahaAbstract
This research aimed at knowing the influence of entrepreneurship learning toward entrepreneurial spirit of Economics Education Department students at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. This research was instigated by students who did not provide feedback and responses when lecturers provided entrepreneurship learning materials, who did not yet have a high entrepreneurial spirit, and who did not understand entrepreneurship learning. It was a quantitative research. The subjects of this research were Economics Education Department students, and the object was entrepreneurship learning towardstudententrepreneurial spirit. 138 students were the population of this research. 102 students were the samples selected by using random sampling technique. Questionnaire and documentation were the techniques of collecting data. Product Moment correlation was used to analyze the data. The score of R2 (R Square) was 0.407. It showed that the contribution percentage of the influence of X toward Y variable was 40.7%, the independent variable variation (entrepreneurship learning) toward entrepreneurial spirit could explain 40.7%, and the rest 59.3% (100-40.7) was influenced and explained by other variables that were not in this research.
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