A Decade of Bibliometrics Exploration on Wind Tunnel as Learning Media in Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics, Learning Media, Wind TunnelAbstract
This study addresses the lack of research on the use of wind tunnels as learning media in fluid mechanics, an important area of research. Conducted using the Scopus database from 2015 to 2024, the review aims to identify trends in publication and citation, rank influential countries, journals, authors, and institutions, and visualize keyword usage and conceptual structures through bibliometric analysis using an R Package. To find relevant literature using the Scopus database, we searched for documents using mesh terms based on the query of two terms, “Wind Tunnel” and “Science Education” and used the Boolean operator “OR” to include synonyms of the terms. The articles retrieved were authored by 6528 researchers, published in 267 journals, representing 68 countries, and growing at 3.98% annually. Findings indicate a significant increase in scientific output, particularly in 2021. The top journal, Physics of Fluids, leads in publications, while China emerges as the most productive country. Key concepts include wind tunnels, Reynolds number, and aerodynamics, reflecting the relevance of both experimental and computational approaches. The results provide insights into the current state of wind tunnel research in science education and highlight opportunities for future interdisciplinary exploration, emphasizing the need for educational curricula to incorporate contemporary topics in fluid mechanics.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Diniya, Khairiati Rawzis, Asep Irvan Irvani, Tika Elviana, Yoichiro Abe; Husnul Chatimah

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