Pemahaman Kewirausahaan, Minat BerwirausahaAbstract
This research aims to determine the influence of students' understanding of entrepreneurship on students' entrepreneurial interest at SMAN 1 Kampar. This research uses quantitative data. The subjects were Class XI social studies students. The object of this research is to understand the impact of students' understanding of entrepreneurship on entrepreneurial interest. The population consists of all class XI IPS students at SMAN 1 Kampar, totaling 255 people. The sample size for this research was 89 students selected using Proportional Random Sampling. The collection techniques used in this research are tests, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis technique The analysis technique used is linear regression. Based on the results of the analysis, students' interest in entrepreneurship is classified as "Very Good" at 81.37 percent. Results Based on the analysis, students' interest in entrepreneurship is classified as "Very Good" at 81.37 percent. Meanwhile, students' understanding of entrepreneurship reached an average of 87.08 in the "Very Good" category. There is a significant influence between students' understanding of entrepreneurship and students' interest in entrepreneurship at SMA Negeri 1 Kampar, with a value of t > t (1.984 < 8.506 > 2.364. The contribution proportion of students' understanding of entrepreneurship to students' interest in entrepreneurship is 45.4%, while the rest influenced by other factors.
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